Welcome to the online site induction for ADM Pressings.
Please read and ensure all of the information is understood.
Completing this induction online helps us to ensure your visit to ADM is more effective.
If you are a contractor and will perform work on site, you need to complete the contractors induction to cover the extra risks involved, please click the contractor induction button below.
Reception & Sign-in
Please ensure you sign in when you arrive and sign out when you leave.
You will be asked to sign at reception to confirm you have completed this induction.
Please be aware that the main reception is closed and locked at 16:00 Mon to Thurs and 12:30 on Friday
Any visiting or working outside of these hours will need to be arranged in advance.
Fire drills
Fire alarm tests for our site are at 11am on Friday.
If the alarm sounds at any other time please leave the building.
Use your nearest exit and report to the assembly point located outside the main reception.
We are required to make you aware that our site is covered by 24hr CCTV surveillance
Shop floor visits
If you visit the shop floor you must remain with your site contact at all times.
Please follow all reasonable instructions from your site contact.
Mandatory PPE for the floor include Eye and Ear protection and Steel Toe Capped boots.
Given areas have additional requirements please note any signs or direction from your contact.
It is helpful if you come equipped, if not we have PPE available for visitors.
Do not pass an Unauthorised Access sign without explicit permission.
Main hazards at ADM
High volumes of forklift movements.
Overhead crane movement.
Slip, trips and falls.
First aid
Should you require any first aid, your site contact will arrange treatment.
Please ensure a first aid report form is filled in no matter how small the incident/injury.
Filling in the first aid report must be done the same day as the incident as soon as reasonably possible.
Improving ADM
We encourage all of our visitors to point out potential for improvement in any of our business areas.
If you see something that could be done better or safer; please inform your site contact who will ensure the relevant people take up the initiative.
Snacks and drinks are available from the vending machines in the canteen area, and a food van visits at 12:15 everyday.
Toilet facilities are located in the hall between the main office and the canteen.
Confirm your online induction
Please fill in your details below to confirm you have completed the site induction.